An Inquiry on “Happy”

2019 Senior Thesis

An Inquiry on “Happy” is a publication of collected works—essays, articles, and other research­—that explores the concept of happiness through many lenses, including philosophical, psychological, literary, and musical.


I began the project by establishing a voice through collage. I chose a primary color palette for a playful quality but used lots of detailed imagery to achieve a sophisticated and academic feel.


Collage and vellum inserts give the book a dynamic feel while also signifying the different representations that happiness can take; whether they are quiet, overwhelming, subtle, or almost hidden.

Throughout the publication, I wanted to establish a reveal into the complexity of the subject. The gray represents a neutrality and simplicity that makes the complexity of the imagery feel that much more impactful.

Supporting Materials

In addition to the publication, I also created other supporting merchandise and digital assets to show how the “brand” would work as a system. The reveal is still held up within the bookmark packaging, sticker packaging, and button packaging.
